Beyond Marketing Hype
Investigative reporting into clinic business practices and questionable claims
In recent years, a broad-based coalition has emerged to apply new scrutiny to slickly packaged clinic narratives. Patient-consumers, industry critics, concerned scientists and bioethicists are among those who have stepped forward to raise questions about unsettling IVF experiences and clinic practices.
As dark side of IVF comes into focus, more transparency is needed, STAT July 27, 2018

Your Stories
We encourage you to share your stories. They’re a powerful resource that can help individuals and policy makers make more informed decisions in the future about ReproTech and provide a window into what’s taking place in clinics. If you have a story to tell, we hope you find a compassionate health reporter or researcher who can investigate further.
Related Stories
We also know the emotional burden of failed treatment and the complex experience of parenthood loss. You can hear the challenging personal-socio-cultural dynamic discussed here in this roundtable:
ReproTech Patients UnpluggedExpert Say
Courageous physicians, scientists, bioethicists, neonatologists, public and mental health experts, educators and others who have studied ReproTech have been united in their call for more transparency, accountability and a commitment to women and infant safety and well being over profit taking.
“Better information is unlikely to deter many women, but they are entitled to know the risks before starting fertility treatment.”

Dr. Susan Bewley
Professor,Complex Obstetrics,KINGS College BMJ Award Winner ‘Speaking truth to power’
BMJ: Adverse outcomes from IVF“The market is the wrong model for the fertility industry. It should be regulated like other medical procedures that have both benefits and risks, with the goal of minimizing the risks.”

George Annas
Boston University Professor, School of Public Health
POV: It’s Time to Regulate the Fertility Industry“As demand for young women’s eggs increases, it is imperative that we at last resolve to collect the much-needed data about safety that would allow young women to make informed choices.”

Judy Norsigian
Co-founder, Our bodies Ourselves
The Ethics and Safety of Egg Donation“We owe it to all subfertile couples and their potential children to use IVF judiciously and to ensure that we are first doing no harm.”

Dr. Esme Kamphuis
BMJ: Are We Overusing IVF?Our Team
An international group of former patients, journalists, writers and concerned consumers have long been committed to bringing new transparency and accountability to the ReproTech industry. We’ve all been (and remain) passionate about improving education and acknowledge the deeply emotional impact of this topic.

Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos
Award-winning author of Silent Sorority; Named Top Health Blogger by Time Inc’s Health Magazine.
Silent Sorority

Miriam Zoll
Award-winning writer, international health and human rights advocate and educator and author of Cracked Open
Questioning the Cult of ReproTech

Julia Leigh
Former Advisory Board Member
Award-winning novelist, film director, screenwriter and author of Avalanche: A Love Story
Avalanche: A Map for the Journey of IVF

Jack Wilkinson
Former Advisory Board Member
Applied Medical Statistician. NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow; Statistical Editor for Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility. IVF Researcher.
Study Conclusion: IVF Success Rates ‘Misleading’

Jonathan Richard Jones
Former Advisory Board Member
An investigative reporter and producer based in San Francisco. Much of his work has focused on business, health and human rights.
Center for Investigative Research

Jessica Hepburn
Former Advisory Board Member
One of the UK’s leading patient voices on fertility, infertility and assisted conception. Passionate about improving information, perspective and emotional support.
Author / Arts Producer